About arthritis

The organism continuously produces materials necessary for the normal function of the body. From this point of view, joints are special as they do not have any blood vessels which could transfer basic materials, so joint fluid has an outstanding importance in supporting the joint. Basic materials, substances needed for cartilage growth enter our body by nutrition. People consume the same amount of these basic substances, despite the fact that we use our joints to different extents (a knee of a 120 kg man works multiple of that of a 50 kg man’s).

That’s why the knee joint begins to wear away by ageing - or in the case of active athletes, from an early age. This is a more complex process, as the basic problem arises from the bones surrounding the joints, therefore this symptom is called osteoarthritis, an inflammation of the bone-joint. More and more researches are interested in this problem, as a lot of people are affected. Narrowing of the room of the movement and excessive consumption of painkillers lead to further diseases.